So 5. Mai:  17 Uhr Essentials with Pihla Jalla and Laura Ahumada Garcia

Der Kurs wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten, es wird keine Übersetzung geben!

First part: We will explore the principals of gravity, groundness, flow, mobility of the body and a variety of levels through the practices of Release technique and Flying Low. With the principals of Flying Low together we will find the spirals in order to get in and out of the floor, the idea of contracting and expanding the whole body or different parts of it in order to create a path for each individual to work safely.

Second part: Applying the tools we have already explored as individuals in order for us to feel safe while going in and out of the floor. We would like to offer different ways of approaching one another, as we are going in and out of the floor we will use this tool to also get in and out of contact. Finding different ways of approaching each other and enriching the range of possibilities that contact improvisation has to offer.

The course is open for advance and beginner and you can use this tools in the open jam session.

It is held in english language without translation.

Here is our bios:

Laura is South American Movement Artist, Performer, Improviser, Physical Theatre, Inter-arts Collaborator, Site-Specific and Educator currently enrolling in a Master program (MA CoDE) in Frankfurt. Since 2021 Laura has been a freelance dance artist, educator and choreographer in Germany. Her dedication for teaching, dancing and performing comes from her silliness, spontaneity, absurdity, simplicity, latin fire and finding togetherness in dance.

Pihla Jaala is a social worker and dancer from Finland, currently enrolling in a Master program (MA CoDE) in Frankfurt. Jaala seeks international interdisciplinary collaborations. Her interest is in crafting sustainable attendable communities to research with body and movement in artistic and pedagogical processes.

Zeit: 17 Uhr, anschließend um 19 Uhr Jam
Beitrag: 13€ (inclusive Jam um 19 Uhr)
Ort: Großer Saal im Haus der Jugend / Frankfurt
-> Wegbeschreibung

Keine Anmeldung erforderlich!No registration needed!

Menschen ohne CI Erfahrung sind willkommen, es handelt sich jedoch nicht um einen Contact Impro Grundlagenkurs.

über Ronja Solveig-Eick

Tänzerin, Esalen-Masseurin, Musik- und Tanzpädagogin, Masterstudentin für zeitgenössische Tanzpädagogik.

Ronja studierte Musik- und Tanzpädagogik am Orff Institut Mozarteum in Salzburg und zeitgenössische Tanzpädagogik an der HfMDK in Frankfurt. Anfang 2023 schloss sie ihr Studium mit dem Master of Arts ab und arbeitet derzeit als Tanzvermittlerin am Staatstheater Mainz. Seit 2018 leitet sie Kontaktimprovisationsklassen, unterrichtet zeitgenössischen Tanz und organisiert interdisziplinäre Jam Sessions.